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Reiki Master Sea
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Reiki has been a tremendous blessing in my life. The Reiki recipients and students below have bravely and generously offered to share their Reiki experiences. If you have a story to share, please email Sea, and indicate how I may attribute your words: First name only, first & last name, and/or email. (Please note: Reiki stories are edited for length and grammar.)
You may also share your Reiki experiences anonymously on the Experience Reiki online survey.
My apologies for delays in posting peoples' Reiki stories. Sometimes I get behind on updating this page...
Dearest Sea,
Hi! thank you so very much for giving so much of yourself the other day. I am honored and grateful to be guided to you to be attuned....
When you put your hands on my shoulders, they instantly relaxed and I felt a comfort "things will be ok". I know I have to do the work but surprisingly "patterns" and "issues" have come up....
Thank you once again for all you do and for coming into my life and teaching so me so much....
And you are right. The energy and energy growth is exponential since the reiki 2 attunement. I felt it yesterday when doing self reiki and thought of you lots... and yesterday, my triggers ... couldn't really get in.
--Sharon Coyle (May 2014)

Hi Sea!
I did a reiki treatment on my friend and it went AWESOME. I have been using the symbols... and I'm noticing such an increase of energy! It's so cool when you can actually feel a change in yourself!
I love how down to earth and realistic your approach is with all of this stuff.... It's so awesome to uncover yourself and what you are capable of doing. And it's great to have an amazing reiki master too!
Sending love and light,
Katie (March 2014)

Reiki is a wonderful blessing. It's given balance to life. Everyone should experience Reiki.
Anonymous (March 2014)

Attending C.'s class was breath of fresh air. She was knowledgeable, warm and accepting of all the students and she made learning fun! It was an amazing experience.
I remained hesitant to begin a practice however I found my gift with distance Reiki so positive that I decided to begin a "hands on" practice. Using distance Reiki I have seen individuals receive jobs, miraculous health improvement and an overall change in their lives. I look forward to seeing what my hands on practice will do.
Kathleen C. (February 2014)

Hi Sea,
Thank you again for the wonderful Reiki I class. It was a nice respite for me to get away from it all and work on healing....
I've been practicing Reiki everyday on myself and I did a full body session on my husband and it's been really great. He told me that he felt very calm during it (especially during the crown chakra work) and could feel my hands heat up. In my experience being attuned to Reiki makes me more peaceful. I can't explain it, but I'm calmer and happier generally and that is a great blessing....
Also, I can't thank you enough for sharing your protection prayer with us. I have been using it every morning and sometimes during the day and I can't tell you enough how amazing that is.... It's been a very powerful gift - thank you for sharing it with us.
Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend.
Blessings to you,
Jessica S. (January 2014)

Hey Sea!
I wanted to just thank you so much for the AWESOME class on Sunday! It really was inspiring and touching and life changing and all of those fun adjectives :) I'll definitely be back for Reiki II!
Thanks again!
-Katie M. (December, 2013)

The attunement was a powerful healing experience. I feel that that turned out to be the main reason I went.
Anonymous (September 2013)

Hello Sea.
Thank you so much for the amazing healing experience that the Reiki I attunement was for me last month. The whole experience turned out to be very powerful and personal as a healing, therefore I really felt that that was the purpose of it for me this time....
Thank you!
F (September 2013)

We are less stressed, sleeping better and enjoying life in the moment more.
While Reiki is in no way religious, if YOU are religious, you can call upon your Deity/Spirits/Angels for help in healing... and receive it!
Anonymous (August 2013)

In a positive way, I was always spiritual, how ever I feel connected to the spirit of the person when I do Reiki.
Anonymous (August 2013)

Reiki is a wonderful healing modality. I love the experience and how it makes me feel. When I had my first Reiki session I knew it was what I wanted to do. So I took classes. I am a reiki level III practicioner with an upcoming opportunity to use reiki on people who really need it. I am also getting ready to volunteer Reiki at my local hospital.
Reiki has affected me greatly. I feel a peace within and a wonderful sense of happiness and contentment whenever I am having a reiki session
Anonymous (July 2013)

Definitely affected me. Inability to breathe freely and having to be completely out of breathe after 10 steps of walking is now 100% gone. It began after a session given to me the next day and slowly increased each day until the total affliction was gone in 3 weeks w/ no additional sessions to me....
Anonymous (July 2013)

The attunement was great. It made me feel more aware of my energy....
I have used Reiki on my family as practice, and all have reported feeling more relaxed (so far).
I feel more spiritually attuned with Source/God, and would like to continue my focus on learning to use it better on myself and others.
Anonymous (February 2013)

It has created a peaceful feeling for both myself and those I've practiced on.
Anonymous (December 2012)

Thanks so much for the Reiki I session in Metuchen last weekend. I have been practicing on myself each day as you suggested. I'm especially working to feel the energy moving through my hands. It's still amazing to me that this is so easy!
Thanks again for a wonderful session. You are such a warm, nurturing presenter and I learned a lot about Reiki and about myself.... Thanks for your part in my healing journey!
Terry (November 2012)

I would describe my Reiki experience as life changing!! It is a change that touches every part of your being: mind,body and soul....
I have done Reiki on myself, my daughter and friends. I also have done distance healing and crystal therapy. My chronic sinus problems went away within a month of my first Reiki class. My daughters migraines are relieved with hands on Reiki and she sleeps better with crystal therapy. A friends surgical wounds that have not been healing were showing amazing signs of healing within a short amount of time after I started distance healing.
I have been interested in taking a Reiki class for some time and I was a little reluctant and kept putting it off. Then I realized that if something keeps drawing you it is for a reason so go for it. I am so glad I did!!
Anonymous (September 2012)

I wanted to share what happened yesterday while using Reiki on my 85 y/o mother. A couple of weeks ago my mother fell and broke her wrist so when visiting her yesterday I offered to do a Reiki treatment on her arm/wrist.... The insides of my hands actually vibrated with the energy during some points of the treatment. When I was done I asked my mother what she felt and she felt the heat through her cast and she said she felt the vibration too. Even an hour later she commented on how hot her arm was.
It was so nice to be able to offer this kind of healing to my mother.
Be well,
NC (September 2012)

It affects me daily. The people who receive healings are greatly affected by the relief they experience...Not only are people attracted to me in regards to reiki, but often I meet pets who immediately greet me and I attribute all these experiences to reiki....
Anonymous (September 2012)

Hi Sea,
I wanted to thank you for all that you have done with Reiki and what I have learned from you, truly enlightening. The powerful message you received during the attunement to let go of "my pain" has been one of my greatest challenges, but I have been getting better with it. Now as you mentioned, I recognize it and then choose to let it go, (I have improved a great deal). I have to say since beginning Reiki in September of 2011 to completed Reiki III recently, my life has improved so much more. I feel a great deal more grounded, happier and more confident, it has been a wonderful experience. Practicing Reiki on myself as well as others has been a great blessing, seeing all the positive changes people I practice on go through is just wonderful. So I thank you for being a great teacher.
Light and Love
Isabella (June 2012)

Wonderful experience.
They all say it changes you as a person you are never the same again.
Anonymous (May 2012)

HI Sea.
Thank you for the class yesterday. I found the class to be powerful and meaningful.
Thank you and I hope to see you soon at a Sharing Event.
Rebecca (May 2012)

Reiki has allowed me to attain more people with higher vibrations in my life.
Anonymous (April 2012)

I can't tell you how special last weekend was to me. I have been working on my mind body connection through meditation and yoga but I have yet to feel a strong spiritual connection in my life..that is until the other day:) I feel that everything is coming together now and I am so grateful.
Been doing my homework. Even the family dog/cat are getting sick of my hands on them. Lol..and been doing a whole lot of waking up in the middle of the night with my hands on my chest ;)
Hope you are well & smiling :)
-Tara (February 2012)

Dear Sea,
I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for an amazing day. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences of Reiki. The Reiki attunement was a powerful spiritual experience that I will always remember. I look forward to the days of healing to come…and deepening my understanding of Reiki with level II…Of course, with you :-)
Anonymous (February 2012)

Hello Sea,
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Reiki I class I took with you a
few weeks ago. I've been practicing daily and am feeling Reiki's positive,
though subtle, effects. I guess I'd describe it as feeling somehow more
balanced, and maybe more inclined towards the positive....
Thank you so much for introducing me to practicing Reiki. I am hoping to
continue with my practice and take the Reiki II training in a few months,
and become more confident in offering this gift to others!
Amy (January 2012)

A beautiful sharing experience.
It helped to open chi, calms and helps to focus.
Anonymous (November 2011)

Hi Sea!
Since my Level III attunement, a lot of transformations have been taking place for me. In particular I seem to have "magically" found the job of my dreams! I know that you said that the attunement will get you aligned with your higher purpose in all fields of your life, and my career definitely shows that. This is only the beginning I'm sure; it's only been a month since I saw you and I have so much to give thanks to Spirit for.
Blessed be,
Victoria Whitfield (September 2011)

Hi Sea,
I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful Reiki I class that you taught on 9/18/11. It was a wonderful experience and one I will always cherish. I am finally at the point in my life that I know is the correct time to start this journey, and I welcome it open arms.
As the saying goes "When the Student is Ready - The Teacher will Appear", and you were one of the teachers who have come into my life. I look forward to my soul evolving with all the wonderful knowledge, and experience that has been brought into my life.
Since your class, I have been giving Reiki to myself and it has been an amazing experience.
I am happy to report that to date I have been able to use the reiki energy to heal my cramps, and get rid of a very bad headache this morning. I think I may have even helped my husband alleviate some pain that he had in his hip.
Thank You,
Isabella (September 2011)

Reiki settles me after a trying day. It has never failed me, ever. Sea has attuned me to all three Reiki degrees. I cannot say enough about her. She is an amazing healer. I am very thankful for her guidance and insight about Reiki. Anonymous (September 2011)

It was great and wonderful experience. It has helped me relax and heal myself. Training with Sea was a wonderful experience. Sea has created a safe and relaxful learning environment. Thank you Sea. Anonymous (September 2011)

Reiki is validating and life-elevating. It makes life speed up. It healed me emotionally and changed my job situation. It healed people emotionally and physically that I know. Anonymous (September 2011).

Reiki taught me how to feel energy. It taught me energetic values and lifestyle in terms of cleansing and allowing my self to be a channel rather than a "do-er" of healing. Anonymous (September 2011)

Hi Sea:
I have found Reiki to be so powerful and so potentially life changing that I want to make sure I can continue to build upon it as much as possible while the momentum is there. [At first my baby refused but] finally permitted me [to do Reiki on him]. He was crying inconsolably. After I placed my hands on his abdomen, not 20 seconds later he had a smile on his face and stayed perfectly still for almost 6 minutes, just staring at me! Usually he will squirm around like crazy. He didn't cry for the rest of the evening. My dog couldn't get enough [of the Reiki] and he stayed perfectly still the entire time! My oldest daughter said she could feel the heat coming off of my hands and that she never felt so relaxed in her entire life (which only consists of 10 years).
Thanks for everything!
Kim (July 2011)

Hi Sea, it's Lauren Lillo. I just wanted to tell you I [heal myself and] do Reiki on my boyfriend every night!!!! I'm so excited and can't wait to tell you about it when I see you again. Thank you so much for opening my heart and giving me this beautiful blessing. I cant wait to see you for Reiki 2!
(July 2011)

I have found it to be awesome! I had sciatic pain for quite a while,then I had 1 session one night and the next night had another session. I was free from very sharp pain. I thanked Reiki and God. An autistic young man had a few sessions with my friend and me. He entered the room very noisy and flailing his arms. Half way thru the session,he became relaxed. I was so happy for him. Anonymous (June 2011).

Reiki has given me focus and direction and helped me to distinguish from my own healing energy and universal healing energy. I tend to have an intuitive relationship with Reiki letting it flow when it deems necessary, often before I notice! I am always told I tend to make people feel better just by being around them. I have helped myself and other family after surgeries and illnesses. Anonymous (April 2011).

Reiki has changed my world, i see things more clearly, more positively, and in a different light. Anonymous (April 2011)

Dear Sea:
I want to thank you so very much for your wonderful Reiki Master class I took with you last weekend. I don't mean to sound sappy, but it was truly a life changing experience for me. When you attuned me to Master, I actually felt the experience through my entire body. You have a wonderful energy around you and you are truly gifted.
Those two days spent with you in the class will remain with me forever. It was empowering to have everything I learned in both Reiki I and II all come together. It was exhausting as you warned us it would be and my husband said I seemed to be in a little bubble until Tuesday! I felt the Reiki working through me and I was in a very sacred space for several days after the class.
You are a gifted teacher and I enjoyed every minute of the classes. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
Love and Light,
Nancy (February 2011)

Dear "Sea",
Taking the Reiki Master Teacher Training with you was a very positive experience. The training was thorough and well paced. The format invited the trainees to stretch. Ample explanation and practice were provided -- as were assistance and encouragement. Spiritual, mental and emotional pathways opened.
I thank you for teaching/guiding us.
Pat (February 2011)

I like helping people, so it makes me feel good when I do Reiki to someone and they say they feel better. At certain parts of their body my hands and sometimes my whole body gets hot...I will also get pain or tingling in my hands or other parts of my body.
--Anonymous (January 2010)

Reiki has changed my life for the better I used to be such a negative person and now I see so much clearer.
--Anonymous (January 2010)

I look for opportunities to do Reiki at my hospital. It gives me such satisfaction to know that there is something other than traditional medicine/therapies to help people.
I have used Reiki with a patient I met who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had surgery, radiation therapy, and presently is on chemotherapy. She expresses a great relief from some of the side effects and other discomforts related to her illness after she has a Reiki session. And she is constantly encouraging other patients to try Reiki for themselves.
--Anonymous (August 2010)

Receiving Reiki treatment helped me reach a level of betterment as well as release feelings of animosity towards someone who harmed me.
I had the greatest Reiki Master/Teacher!!
--Anonymous (August 2010)

Hi Sea!
I thoroughly enjoyed your Reiki I class yesterday, and found the attunement deeply moving. I've already started practicing on myself and my dog, Snickers; the energy is just shooting through the palms of my hands!
Thank you again for an incredible experience!
Bright blessings,
Linda DeLorenzo (July 2010)

I experienced significant effects from both attunements. I felt much more mentally alert & grounded. During the two weeks after Reiki II, I felt an increase in mental and physical energy. Also sexual energy -- which is always welcome as a busy working parent of 2 young children! Reiki has provided me with a tools and a path for deepening my own spiritual awareness. This is something I was looking for. As I continue to practice, I experience more physical sensations (heat, deep relaxation).
Reiki is helping me become stronger at meditation. It is like an anchor for my meditation & prayer. I have practiced Reiki on my 8 year old son and he loves it. I told him nothing about what to expect -- and he's reported feeling "heat" and relaxation. It's helped him sleep. If he's feeling stressed, he asks for "some Reiki" before bed. I am looking forward to practicing Reiki through time -- a concept that resonates with me. And distance Reiki.
--Anonymous (July 2010)

Reiki has enriched my life, in more ways that I can say. I feel the difference it has made, and I know the potential it has for me, and those around me. Reiki has been a blessing and positive experience.
Reiki has helped give me additional tools to help myself, as well as those around me. It inspired me to go even further in trying to help others.
I fully plan to seek a Master Level in Reiki so that I can expand my own potential, and help spread Reiki to others. The more Reiki in the world, the better the world.
--Anonymous (July 2010)

It has made me feel closer to animals. I feel that I am a genuine help when people and/or animals are in pain.
It has made a stronger connection between me & others.
--Anonymous (July 2010)

I use it all the time and I find it wonderful. The energy I share and give to myself, brings me alive!!
I have used it to heal myself of emotional issues, physical issues, and psychological issues, and also so for others. It has made me a well rounded healer.
I use it with the many cancer patients I work with. I use it before chemo-- to help relax the mind and body. I also use it after chemo or radiation--so the client can have some "soul" ease before they go home. I also use it on animals, children, plants and my food.
--Anonymous (July 2010)

Very fulfilling.
I have seen Reiki produce great healing within myself and my family, friends, clients, and students. Also, I have seen great changes in my life and career with the use of distance Reiki and Reiki grids.
--Anonymous (July 2010)

It has helped me be calmer...and sleep better. I just plain feel better when I practice Reiki. People that I know who have consented to my sharing Reiki with them will all describe warm sensations and a feeling of calm afterwards.
I have experienced great benefits from including Reiki in my daily routine as much as possible. When I don't, I miss it.
--Anonymous (July 2010)

I attended a Metuchen class this spring and would like to share something with you. I totally enjoyed the class and practiced on myself, but hesitated to try it on someone else. I started to take riding lessons and my favorite horse, Avalon, became lame. She is a rescue horse and probably didn't have a good life and was on her way to the slaughter house when my friend rescued her. I asked if I could perform Reiki on her. Last Sunday I worked on her in her stall.
She was a little nervous, but within a few minutes she turned around and looked at me and let out a loud sigh. I worked on her for about 45 minutes and then she moved away. It was amazing that she would stand perfectly still and almost fall asleep. She lowered her head and relaxed her lower lip. It got to a point when she rested her head on bar on the stall door. What a wonderful feeling for me too.
Thank you so much for sharing Reiki with me.
I believed you about how rewarding Reiki is but experiencing it is better than I could ever have imagined.
Take care,
Barb (May 2010)

Hello Sea,
I just wanted to say thanks again for a lovely afternoon. Your hospitality was very much appreciated! I thank you for creating such a welcoming and accepting environment for my first Reiki experience. I wish you all the best, Isabel Vall-Lloberas(April 2010)

I had a wonderful time at your Reiki II class on Sunday, Sea.
Thank you, thank you! I'm looking forward to Reiki III Practioner in a few months! I can't wait! :-D
Dez (February 2010)

I did about 20 minutes of Reiki on a friend who had a migraine - it went away. I was as thrilled as she was!
-- Marge Born (January 2010)

Amazing experience. Sea, you are wonderful, thanks for a great class :)
Eliza (January 2010)

“For anyone considering Reiki with Sea,
I had a wonderful experience with Sea today having my Reiki I attunement and class! The atmosphere was productive and friendly, and Sea was wonderful with all the class questions. I look forward to my journey with Reiki, and to a future attunement into Reiki II and beyond with Sea. Thank you!
Brightest Blessings,
Rev. Matthew Bartky”(January 2010)

I just wanted to say thank you again for the Level III attunement. It was a great experience and I hope to grow with this throughout the year.
Linda (July 2009)

I was thrilled with the greater insight into the practice and practical applications for Reiki I learned from this [Master Teacher] class.
--Anonymous (June 2009)

Dear Sea,
Thank you for all you did this weekend.
--Nancy (June 2009)

Hi Sea,
Thank you for holding the Practice and Share last Sunday. I must tell you that I feel more energized this week and I truly believe it was due to the energy from our practice sessions. It was wonderful giving and receiving healing energy. My healing power is stronger this week. I'm really looking forward to the next sessions. I think it is good for us healers to get together.
Again, thank you.
Peggy Devlin Blazewicz (March 2009)

Thank you for a great experience yesterday. I practiced on my husband who has post traumatic stress from his deployment. He fell asleep on the table and slept soundly thru the night. He does not believe in any of this and was quite surprised when he woke up rested and at peace this morning.
After I worked on him I told him his knee caps felt hot and he told me that his knees were hurting real bad but he did not tell me. It was amazing that you knew what was bothering me when I was on the table. Suzan was really great when she worked on me and I felt much better after she helped me.
Again, thank you for taking the time and thank you for teaching me yesterday. The attunement was a great gift to receive from you.
Amy (February 2009)

Hi Sea,
Thank you for the attunement you gave me last Sunday as well as the instructions you taught us. I have been healing myself every day and I've practiced on two other people so far. I have to tell you that the self-healing has been a wonderful learning experience to say the least. The first two days I cried during the session but I felt good when I was done. I am learning more about myself than I thought I would.
I am looking forward to learning more every day.
Peg Blazewicz (November 2008)

Hi Sea,
I would like to thank you very much in introducing me to the Reiki pathway, it was a wonderful enlighting experience. Your knowledge is wonderful - an openness to us. I look forward to work with you again soon... I want my energy to flow like a river and to be able to develop my abilities to bring Reiki to my mom and loved ones...
Again, thanks for joining me in this new journey to healing myself and others. Many healing blessings for you too and best wishes that God continue to allow you to change and touch the lives of many like me....
Lina (October 2008)

Hi, Sea.
Thank you for a wonderful experience. Your presence was knowledgeable, intuitive, comforting and down to earth. The work was beautiful.
Om Shanti,
Evelyn Pagan Lisojo (October 2008)

First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you. I want to let you know
that taking your Reiki I class was one of the most inspiring things I
have done in my life. I feel like a different person and I enjoy being
able to heal myself and share my healing with others. My fiance even
tells me how much calmer and happier I seem since I have been attuned.
In addition, I have yet to meet a dog that doesn't fall asleep as they
relax in my hands.
I look forward to learning more and seeing you again.
Thank you,
Brittany (March 2008)

Hi Sea,
I wanted to let you know how AMAZED I am with Reiki so far...I am shocked each time I practice on someone and they say they feel better. The best was my 3 year old nephew- he was staying over my house and started crying that he had a tummy ache. I sat him down on the couch, put my hands on his stomach- and let the Reiki do its thing. He sat there quietly, and in about 5 minutes he pushed away my hands and said- "all better now" and that was that- I think I was in shock! I've worked on different family members and friends and have always had a positive response- even from the one or two that originally rolled their eyes when I asked if they would like me to practice some reiki on them...It truly is a blessing.
Tammy O'Connor (November 2007)

Hi Sea,
I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful weekend with you and getting attuned for the master/teacher level. I had a great time and appreciated your sharing your home with us. It gave it all just the right atmosphere.
Sabine Boehle (September 2007)

Dear Sea,
I had a wonderful time in your class. I have been having a few spiritual/physical/emotional "re-birth" pangs since the class, but am endeavoring to treat myself gently and keep my body as pure as possible to just let this happen. I learned so much!!!!! Thanks again.
I wanted to thank you for giving me a feeling of acceptance and safety in your class. Trust is very hard for me, and one of the things I am working on in my own healing journey. It was a beautiful blessing to feel safe, warm, accepted and calm in your presence. It makes me so happy to run into people like you that make our world such a rockin' place to be.
Love and light,
Lisa Marie Eisenhauer, CNMT (August 2007)

Hi Sea!
How are you! Just to let you know that since I took the RMT [Reiki Master Teacher training] with you, some wonderful changes have occurred in my life! I am SO much more calmer and centered. I have actually started to clean my living room and am discarding the piles. I was a very dippy Yin-Yang(emotionally) right after the class, but I am balancing out as I clear out the clutter in mind(It just doesn't matter!) and in my house.
Bright Blessings!
Suzan (July 2007)

Hi, Sea:
When I took your Reiki I class I was ecstatic...the attunement was a "success". I have practiced Reiki on myself every day since that day. For the next 2 -3 weeks, the heat (energy) in my hands seemed to turn off and on whenever it wanted to. I had no control. Gradually after 3 weeks, my hands would turn on whenever I placed them either on myself or someone else with the intent to heal. My journey was beginning. I didn't quite comprehend it, but I knew something was changing and I was on my way.
Approximately four months later, I came back and took a private Reiki II class with you. My Reiki II journey has been more subtle yet more compelling. The three symbols I received in your Reiki II class have increased my ability to channel the Reiki energy and for those I am quite thankful. I am experiencing quite a bit of emotional clearing and at the same time, emotional rewiring.
I must tell you that I have been in excellent health and feel incredibly vibrant since taking Reiki I and II with you. Thank you, Sea, for sharing your learning and gifts with me on my journey. I love your classes. I learn so much from you. I love your energy and I am so grateful that I was led to you as my teacher :) It is an amazing path...thank you!
Love and light to you,
Deborah :) (July 2007)

Dear Sea,
Thank you! Your Reiki I course is one of the best investments I've ever made in myself. The class was well paced and fun! You made the material easy to digest, and the meditation was splendid! The hands on workshop at the end of the class was a great way to finish things out.
I've been practising on myself every day since the class, and I feel the energy flowing like never before in my life. This is so much better than Chi Gung in so many ways I cannot begin to tell you! I've also been working with other people around me, I've become something of a magnet. My four year old nephew soaks up Reiki like a sponge and for once didn't object to going to bed. My sister decided I should come over every night around bedtime and use my "witchy ways" on him.
Everyone seems to have noticed the changes in me. Even my plants love getting Reiki from me! One of my close friends asked me for a little Reiki. She was amused that I found her pain without being told where to look.
Many, many thanks! You are doing a wonderful thing, and I'm so glad I took your class.
Warmest regards,
Samantha Quinn (January 2007)

Hi Sea,
I thoroughly enjoyed your Reiki I class. I knew
that I was meant to have a Reiki attunement, and
finally the time and the teacher were right for me!
I was a bit nervous because I didn't know what to
expect during the attunement process… During the attunement I felt a rushing
feeling and a sensation that I was out of my body. I
also felt an expansion and lots of heat. When you
placed your hands at the back of my head, suddenly I
was rushing through the universe with galaxies
flashing past. Then when you placed your hands on my
shoulders I was back on earth, but it felt as though
my aura was expanding outwards like a large bubble.
I think I mentioned to you that I have been drawn to
and fascinated by hands-on healing for a few years,
ever since I first noticed that my hands would heat up
and tingle, especially around people and animals who
were ill. Well, nothing can compare to the energy
charge I now feel since the Reiki attunement.
So many things have shifted since the attunement, it
would be difficult to write them all. Let me try to
summarize: I have started to desire and select more
healthful foods (I had been in a dietary slump the
past 2-3 years). I have also been using Reiki to
address anxiety and blood sugar symptoms such as
headache, tension, etc. Also, and this is big, I have
started to see my life path open more clearly in front
of me--filled with possibilities--whereas before,
(although I was aware of it), it often seemed distant
and unattainable. I feel a definite increase in daily
peace and joy. Life makes sense and I don't feel as
trapped (especially in relation to my vocation).
I have had a chance to offer Reiki to my girlfriend,
my father (who is just recovering from a serious
illness), a friend who suffers the effects of
scoliosis, 2 of my 3 cats, my rabbit, and a friend's
dog. I give myself Reiki all the time and it is a
wonderful feeling--a warm, calming flood of well-being
and relaxation.
Thanks so much!
Helena (August 2005)

Just wanted to drop you a note to thank you, for your reiki 1 and reiki 2. They were excellent. I look forward to learning more and using the gifts you have taught me in my daily life. Thank you again.
Jackie (July 2005)

Hi Sea,
I am so glad that I finally followed through with my heart and took your Reiki 1 class on Sunday. When I left the class, I had the wonderful feeling of being one with the earth that I get when there is "dirt under my fingernails", i.e. working in the garden... Yesterday gave me a boost and brought me least for awhile...
It is beautiful and I thank you for bringing me to it. I feel it all day and it seems to make people happy around me...
Thanks again,
Cheryl (March 2005)

I capped off an insanely busy summer by developing an inguinal hernia
that needed surgical repair(I aggravated an old injury, I think). I felt weak, fragile, and cold in that area. About ten days after surgery, I went to my long-time
massage therapist, who is also a Reiki practitioner. Peggy scanned me
and announced that my root chakra was not spinning at
all. She did some Reiki holds and as much upper body massage as I could
tolerate at that point. As she did the Reiki positions, I could feel
warmth flowing into my groin area and energy traveling up and down my
spine again. I could even see a fire with reddish flames burning in that
chakra--something I've never seen before--and was not surprised when she
scanned me again and told me the chakra was spinning nicely. I left
feeling much stronger and more "together," and my physical healing
seemed to accelerate. I'd recommend Reiki treatment after any kind of

Hi sea,
I just wanted to let you know that I've been doing reiki almost everyday now since we last had a treatment (saturday) with the exception of one day... I feel a huge difference (surprisingly to me).. it's funny .. I feel more understanding or not so quick with a temper... AND I dont get tired easily at night.. normally I would feel lazy and tired when it gets dark outside..but I've been going to bed late and waking up at a decent hour and I feel great...
talk with you soon

I found your Reiki I class wonderful. I am very interested in Reiki and
learning more about it but I also wanted to say I really enjoyed your
teaching style. You taught us a lot in a very fun and casual way.
There was so much positive energy in that room.
Have a good day,

Dear Sea,
I was in your class tonight at Journey.
First of all i wanted to say that you did a wonderful job with both parts of
the class. I really learned a lot.

Hello C,
I want to thank you for allowing me to take the Reiki training for I &
II. I feel this healing modality is something I have been searching for the
last five years. I've wanted to help other people in many ways, but could
not find the way that felt right to me. Reiki is the right way. It offers
help and healing for all levels of the people we are.
Thanks so much,

Hey Sea:
I don't know if I ever told you this. The one day you came by to see me
when I lived up at the university and you did some quick Reiki on me?
That was an inspired visit. I was lower than I had ever been, I had been crying for over 2 days straight at that point. Not to be too dramatic, but you very well might have saved my life that day. I was really incapable of reaching out for help during that period. I do need to tell you thank you for your intervention, for caring.
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