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Reiki Master Sea

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Reiki and Serious Illness – Dispelling the Myth

I have become aware that some Reiki practitioners and masters are turning away those with serious illnesses such as cancer or AIDS. From my understanding, this is due to a belief that Reiki should not be used to extend life if a person is meant to die.

I try to keep an open mind and honor different views on Reiki, but this attitude is upsetting. It shows a lack of understanding about chi and an arrogance of the people involved. To the extent that Reiki is the manipulation of energy fields, the Reiki practitioner cannot cause harm simply by healing touch. To the extent that Reiki is spiritually guided energy, we don't heal, we are channels for healing energy. Therefore, it is impossible to heal someone who is not meant to heal. If it is their time to go, then Reiki can assist in their passing; it can work on emotional and spiritual levels, or even on physical comfort levels. And it's possible that a person got their illness because they are meant to heal it, because they are meant to receive an attunement, or whatever else, not b/c they are just meant to die.

Reiki may assist the ill person in healing; it may complement regular medical practice; it may assist with the side effects of drug cocktails or chemotherapy.

I have done Reiki on people who were diagnosed with terminal diseases. I have had great results.

Remember, Reiki is here for us to heal ourselves and each other. It is not here to make us feel better than other people or to feel like we hold the power of life and death in our hands. We do not heal; healing may happen through us. We need as much healing in this world as we can generate. Please don’t believe that there are people beyond healing. That is not for us to decide.

Healing blessings to all,

C Lynn Carr (Sea)

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