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Reiki Master Sea

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Reiki – A "Spiritual Pill"?

You all probably know the story of the spiritual pill -- it is that which we all seek, the one easy way to rid ourselves of all dis-ease. The punch-line is that there is nothing we can simply swallow to attain enlightenment, peace of mind, and health of body. Yet Reiki is the closest thing to a spiritual pill that I've found; it has been one of the greatest blessings in my life and health, as well as my emotional and spiritual growth.

While "discovered" and promoted in Japan in the early 20th century, Reiki is believed to have ancient origins in Tibet. Despite its time-honored tradition, I believe Reiki is perfect for this busy, stressful modern world for several reasons. First, Reiki works on all the connected levels of dis-ease: body, mind, and spirit. Reiki practitioners need not know, for example, that the source of a particular illness has an emotional base. They merely place their hands "where it hurts," and healing will commence.

Second, Reiki is surprisingly easy to learn. What makes the Reiki system unique is that the ability is passed down from master to student through the process of attunements (or empowerments). Although practice will increase a Reiki practitioner's power in healing and in feeling the healing energy, Reiki students generally leave their first attunement able to place their hands on themselves or another and healing energy will flow. Once attuned, the Reiki practitioner is able to channel energy for self-healing, as well as healing other people, animals, plants, and the planet.

Third, Reiki is easy to use. Once you get the energy flowing, generally, you can just let it flow. For example, I have often done Reiki on myself while watching TV. I have done Reiki on trains and long car rides, during meetings and classes, wherever and whenever I can place my hands on a needy chakra. For those working on healing chronic problems, this kind of frequent Reiki is extremely beneficial. Because Reiki can be used in such a frequent manner and with such ease, it is extremely flexible. Not only is it good for working on chronic problems, but I have used Reiki to put myself to sleep at night, to cure headaches and menstrual cramps, to get through a broken heart, and to de-stress.

For these reasons and so many more I believe that Reiki is perfect for this crazy modern world. We all need healing, and Reiki is an easy way to connect with Spirit and receive.

Healing blessings to all,

C Lynn Carr (Sea)

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